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West Northamptonshire Spatial Options Consultation

West Northamptonshire Council is preparing a new Strategic Plan for the area. This will replace the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy and will cover the period up to 2050

Published: 21 October 2021

West Northamptonshire Strategic Plan – Spatial Options Consultation

The Options Consultation is the second stage in preparing the new Plan [after the Issues Consultation], no decisions have been made yet and the purpose of the document is to seek views on a Vision, Spatial Objectives and Development Options at this stage.

We have produced a Spatial Options Consultation document which includes a series of questions on which we would like your views. There is also an additional opportunity to put forward ideas for potential development sites through a further ‘call for sites’ exercise.

The Spatial Options Consultation document and background documents including the call for sites form are available on the Strategic Plan consultation website: You are encouraged to visit the website and use the online forms available to respond to the consultation.

You can inspect a hard copy of the Options Consultation document in West Northamptonshire Council’s Offices at Lodge Road, Daventry, The Guildhall, Northampton and The Forum, Towcester and all public libraries in West Northamptonshire during normal opening hours. In addition, we are holding exhibitions at the following online and in-person events, where you can find out more and ask questions:

Venue Date Time

Online Thursday 21 October 6.00-7.30pm

Online Wednesday 27 October 6.00-7.30pm

Online Monday 1 November 6.00-7.30pm

Wootton Community Centre Tuesday 2 November 2.00-6.00pm

Daventry Leisure Centre, Saxon Suite Thursday 4 November 1.00-5.30pm

Moulton Community Centre Tuesday 9 November 1.00-5:30pm

Brackley Methodist Church Wednesday 10 November 2.00-6.00pm

Towcester The Forum, Council Chamber Thursday 11 November 2.00-6.00pm

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