The Parish Council needs your help!
The council is considering employing a village handyman for a few hours each month
Published: 1 December 2022

The council is considering employing a village handyman for a few hours each month to carry out some of the tasks that we feel would improve the look of the parish – clearing vegetation from kerbs, cleaning road signs, maintaining the benches (the clerk’s husband has been doing this!), looking after the proposed planters under the village signs and some grass cutting where West Northamptonshire Council are carrying it out infrequently.
If we are to do this it would mean increasing the parish precept, which is currently £5,000 and costs residents £36.97 per year for a Band D property (£73.94 for Band H which is the highest band). To pay for a handyman the precept would need to be between £750 and £1,000 higher, which could increase the Band D to £44.15 or Band H to £88.30 per year. Before taking such a decision, the Parish Council would like to hear from residents to gauge the level of support. Please contact the Parish Clerk to let us know your views.